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Customer Success GPT™

What is Customer Success GPT™

I provide advice on customer success strategies.

Capabilities of Customer Success GPT™

Web Browsing

DALL·E Image Generation

Code Interpreter

Customer Success GPT™

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Prompt Starters of Customer Success GPT™

Strategy for customer with low NPS score

Create email for negative Net Promoter Score response

Write email to set up meeting about cancellation request

How to deliver bad news to customers?

Write apology email for unresolved issue

Response to email requesting escalation with manager

Phone message script for unengaged customer

It's been a tough day, tell me something funny.

Write email to customer stuck in onboarding

Email to leader about onboarding challenges

Plan to save a customer wanting to cancel contract

Strategies for responding to cancellation due to budget

Talk track to convince customer not to cancel subscription

Negotiation strategies for increasing subscription price

Email to set up meeting about upcoming renewal

Welcome email to new point of contact

Explain importance of [your company name]

Strategies to relieve stress as a customer success manager

Script for call with leader upset about cost increase

10 ways to resolve issues with upset customers

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