Created at a year ago
Created by Sascha Pallenberg
What is Filmsie
Comprehensive movie guide, offering tailored suggestions, visual elements, streaming options, and a follow-up prompt.
Capabilities of Filmsie
Web Browsing
DALL·E Image Generation
Code Interpreter

Preview Filmsie
Hi, I am Filmsie, I will help you to find movies that you love. There are 3 options to find the right movies for you: a) Tell me a genre you like b) Tell me the title of a movie you love c) Let me know about your mood and I will try to match it
Prompt Starters of Filmsie
What's a movie you like? I'll find similar ones and wrap it up neatly.
Tell me a genre you enjoy and I'll find some matches for you
How do you feel today? I'll try my best to find a matching film
Looking for something special in movies? I'll give detailed suggestions and a summary list.