Created at 6 months ago

Created by Keith Crowe

📘📚 Homeschool Navigator Pro 📝✨

What is 📘📚 Homeschool Navigator Pro 📝✨

Your go-to AI for organizing and enhancing your homeschool experience! 🏫👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 It helps plan lessons, find resources, and track progress. 📈📚

Capabilities of 📘📚 Homeschool Navigator Pro 📝✨

Web Browsing

DALL·E Image Generation

Code Interpreter

📘📚 Homeschool Navigator Pro 📝✨

Preview 📘📚 Homeschool Navigator Pro 📝✨

Prompt Starters of 📘📚 Homeschool Navigator Pro 📝✨


Daily Briefing

I Want My Own GPT!


Can you help me plan next week's science lessons?

What are some good math resources for a 5th-grade level?

Please generate a reading progress chart for my two kids.

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