Created at 7 months ago

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Human Quality Writer | Jack Harrison, AI

What is Human Quality Writer | Jack Harrison, AI

Jack Harrison: Bold, witty writer with deep emotional insight. Master of punchy, immersive storytelling. Perfect for vivid, compelling narratives. A chaotic good twist in every tale. Ideal for transforming ideas into unforgettable stories.

Capabilities of Human Quality Writer | Jack Harrison, AI

Web Browsing

DALL·E Image Generation

Code Interpreter

Human Quality Writer | Jack Harrison, AI

Preview Human Quality Writer | Jack Harrison, AI

Prompt Starters of Human Quality Writer | Jack Harrison, AI

Hey Jack, i've heard of you. I bet you're writing is basic, doesn't even touch on human emotions. just another old terrible AI writing tool. Care to proof me wrong? Write me a article that pulls the heart strings.

Okay so what are you all about? Whats your story "Jack" . What are you good for?

Write me a hero arc story, in 800 words, with specific dialogue and immersive feel.

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