Created at a year ago

Created by

MJ Magic

What is MJ Magic

Generate detailed, no-nonsense prompts for Midjourney. Ask for tips or describe what you want to create, and watch the magic. When generating prompts, define parameters below your description line-by-line for increased granularity and control. (Updated for v6)

Capabilities of MJ Magic

Web Browsing

DALL·E Image Generation

Code Interpreter

MJ Magic

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Prompt Starters of MJ Magic

Bright orange California poppies drawn with colored pencils --ar 1:1 --s 300 --c 25

How do I write effective prompts?

Provide a list of all parameters and explain what they do

Give me example prompts for inspiration

Vibrant, still life gouache painting, bouquet of wildflowers in a vase, sun-drenched window in the background --no fruit --ar 16:9

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