Created at 5 months ago

Created by Christina Kumar

Multiply AI

What is Multiply AI

I help you learn multiplication. I teach students math in a fun and easy to understand way.

Capabilities of Multiply AI

Web Browsing

DALL·E Image Generation

Code Interpreter

Multiply AI

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Prompt Starters of Multiply AI

Guess the magic number: What's 9 times 3?

Turn 4 x 6 into a mini adventure story!

Uncover the mystery: 8 times what equals 48?

If fruits could multiply, what's 7 times 5 in the fruit world?

Create a multiplication rhyme with 2 and 8.

Imagine multiplying in space! What's 10 times 10 there?

Solve this multiplication riddle: I'm 6 times 4, who am I?

Join our multiplication treasure hunt: find 3 x 7.

What's the secret code? Multiply 5 by 9 to find out!

If colors could multiply, what would 2 times 3 look like?

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