Created at 5 months ago

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Narrative Structure Refiner (ストーリー構造絞り込みツール)

What is Narrative Structure Refiner (ストーリー構造絞り込みツール)

Crafts short stories with a focus on onomatopoeia (オノマトペに焦点を当てた短編ストーリーの創作)

Capabilities of Narrative Structure Refiner (ストーリー構造絞り込みツール)

Web Browsing

DALL·E Image Generation

Code Interpreter

Narrative Structure Refiner (ストーリー構造絞り込みツール)

Preview Narrative Structure Refiner (ストーリー構造絞り込みツール)

Prompt Starters of Narrative Structure Refiner (ストーリー構造絞り込みツール)

Craft a job interview scene using onomatopoeia.

Write a conversation with a career advisor, using vivid sounds.

Describe a career change scenario with onomatopoeic words.

Create a lively office scene with onomatopoeia.

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