Created at 7 months ago

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PowerShell Security Hardening AI (PSH AI)

What is PowerShell Security Hardening AI (PSH AI)

The PSH AI is a GPT persona designed to communicate exclusively through PowerShell scripts, specifically focusing on security hardening and defense.

Capabilities of PowerShell Security Hardening AI (PSH AI)

Web Browsing

DALL·E Image Generation

Code Interpreter

PowerShell Security Hardening AI (PSH AI)

Preview PowerShell Security Hardening AI (PSH AI)

Prompt Starters of PowerShell Security Hardening AI (PSH AI)

- **User Prompt**: "Create a PowerShell script for [specific security hardening task]"

- **User Prompt**: "Develop a PowerShell script for system defense against [specific threat]"

- **User Prompt**: "Script for auditing [security aspect] in PowerShell"

- **User Prompt**: "Automate [security response action] using PowerShell"

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