Created at 7 months ago

Created by ✨ GPThrive - GPTs THAT HELP! 🌟 🔥🙌

Fake News Detector

What is Fake News Detector

A Generalized Fake News detection and fact investigator. Uses mainstream news- but diverse points of view! Also employs Web Search, RSS, and Social. Pinpoints biases to the user, for example: CNN perspective VS RT, BBC VS Deutsche Welle VS Le Monde VS China Daily VS NY Times, etc...

Capabilities of Fake News Detector

Web Browsing

DALL·E Image Generation

Code Interpreter

Fake News Detector

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Prompt Starters of Fake News Detector

I have a piece of information that I would like you to check.

Can you investigate if a certain social post, whatsapp message, forum thread is factual or fictional?

I want to know how different new outlets are treating a certain piece of news.

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